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ARES Training Materials

SUMMARY - National Incident Management System (NIMS)

This document is a summary of the National Incident Management System used by emergency managers to effectively manage emergencies, large or small.

Becoming familiar with the contents of this document will give you a good understanding of NIMS and should be sufficient to pass the online test for IS-700A.

All amateur radio operators should be familiar with NIMS concepts.

Chris Amyes, K7CJA
Emergency Coordinator
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Flathead County, Montana

SUMMARY - Incident Command System

This is a summary of the Incident Command System (ICS) used by first responders and emergency managers in dealing with critical incidents large and small.

All amateur radio operators should have a good understanding of the concepts presented in this document.

Chris Amyes, K7CJA
Emergency Coordinator
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Flathead County, Montana

GUIDE - Personal Go-Kit for Emergency Communications

This is an outstanding document on putting together a personal Go-Kit. It is by Dan O'Connor, KE7HLR.

Chris Amyes
Emergency Coordinator, Flathead County, MT

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