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ARES Training Synopsis - 2m Beam

ARES Training Synopsis: #32-11 2 Meter Beam 8 Dec 2011

This training is provided to give refresher training to ARES members during the weekly ARES Net activation. Subjects covered are taken from FEMA based emergency management training sources, local established emergency plans, and technical information applicable to amateur radio operations. Specific procedures discussed in this training session are directly applicable to North Central Montana ARES members. For non NCM-ARES members, contact your Emergency Coordinator to determine applicability.
Training Subjects for this net:

1. Handheld/Portable Beam for 2 Meter work
2. Scenario Discussion:

Chris Amyes
AEC, Flathead County

2M Beams ARES Training Synopsis 33-11.pdf115.78 KB
2 Meter hand Beams.pdf624.27 KB
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9907034[1].pdf447.03 KB

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