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Items related to radios

A review of some inexpensive Chinese HTs

A review of some inexpensive Chinese radios with a focus on their actual TX power and their spurious emissions.

Many fail FCC Part 97 requirements, but some of them, in spite of their low price, are compliant.

DMR Features and HT Price Points

A review of DMR features and advantages with a discussion of 3 different DMR HTs at the 100, 200 and 300 dollar price points.

RC 210 Hardware manual for the Blacktail Repeater

This is the hardware manual for the club's RC 210 radio repeater controller at Blacktail.

Arcom Repeater Controller manual

This is the manual for running the windows programming software that is licensed with the purchase of the RC-210 controller. Its a one shot free download to the clubs designated laptop.
Leo kf7oni

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